Does the game support Multiplayer?
- The game currently does not support multiplayer.
Does the game support IOS and PC versions?
- The game currently does not support both platforms. But we’re planning to do so once we’ve cleared the issues on the Android version.
APK not Installed.
- Check if you have enough space in your mobile phone. If it still wouldn’t work, redownload the APK file again from another link.
The Game lags / FPS drop
- Some players may encounter an FPS drop even with a high-end mobile phone. This issue might have been due to background apps running all at once, causing their CPU to overheat, leading to CPU-Throttling, which results in an FPS drop. Clearing them might improve the performance of the game.
- Lowering the default Quality Settings in the game will greatly affect the overall performance of the game. (This feature will be available on v0.0.3)
Found a Bug?
- Send us feedback via survey forms, and we’ll fix the issue. Survey forms are commonly shown after your gameplay.